FiOS “Three-Router” with VyOS and ESXi, Part 7: Define Internal Network

2 minute read

Now that our primary router is communicating with the outside world, and we have some reasonable security in place with our firewall, we can set up our private internal network.

Recall that our design is such that the primary router will access the Home Network (VLAN 1 on our switch and untagged elsewhere) via its second vNIC, which is assigned to the Home Network port group on the ESXi virtual switch. This vNIC will show up as eth1 inside the Vyatta VM.

vyos@primary-router:~# run show interfaces
Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down
Interface        IP Address                        S/L  Description
---------        ----------                        ---  -----------
eth0                       u/u  FiOS Public Internet 
eth1                          u/u  Home Network 
lo                            u/u  

To get started, we need to pick an IP address block for this network. Any private IP space other than will work (we don’t want confusion between this network and the network behind the Verizon hardware router that the set-top boxes will sit on, which will come into play later).

Let’s use We’ll have the router listen on the .1 address, auto negotiate speed and duplex, and apply the LAN‑TO‑LAN firewall rule set to traffic arriving on that interface. Remember that we configured the LAN‑TO‑LAN rule set to allow all traffic by default.

vyos@primary-router:~# set interfaces ethernet eth1 address
vyos@primary-router:~# set interfaces ethernet eth1 description Home-Network
vyos@primary-router:~# set interfaces ethernet eth1 duplex auto
vyos@primary-router:~# set interfaces ethernet eth1 speed auto
vyos@primary-router:~# set interfaces ethernet eth1 firewall in name LAN-TO-LAN
vyos@primary-router:~# compare

Review your configurations, and then commit and save them.

vyos@primary-router:~# commit
vyos@primary-router:~# save

If we want hosts on this network to dynamically receive addresses when they appear on the network, then we need to set up a DHCP server as well.

We’ll configure DHCP on this network to assign addresses between and, with the default gateway and DNS both set to (our primary router). We’re going to set the domain name for these hosts to home.local although you can use anything you’d like.

vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server disabled false
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool authoritative enable
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool subnet
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool subnet default-router
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool subnet dns-server
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool subnet domain-name home.local
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool subnet lease 86400
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name HomeNetworkPool subnet start stop

Since we’re directing our DHCP clients to send their DNS requests to the router (, we need to also set up a DNS server to listen for those requests and forward them on to an external DNS provider. You can use any DNS server you’d like; is Google’s public DNS service. Also note that we’re going to cache up to 2000 lookups locally (for faster response later) and listen for DNS requests on eth1.

vyos@primary-router:~# set service dns forwarding cache-size 2000
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dns forwarding listen-on eth1
vyos@primary-router:~# set service dns name-server

Let’s review our changes…

vyatta@primary-router:~# compare

When you’re satisfied, commit and save.

vyatta@primary-router:~# commit
vyatta@primary-router:~# save

If you have your switch configured with extra access ports on VLAN 1, you can plug a test system into one of those ports. Your test system should receive a DHCP address in the–199 range. You should be able to ping the gateway (, but no Internet access yet.